To become an effective leader, the athlete first needs to understand the role of being a leader on the team.
Once this is made clear, the athlete can go to work developing the skills he or she needs to assert a positive leadership influence on the team.
Core Training’s Leadership for the Student-Athlete provides an intensive, one day, on-campus forum where participants experience a hands-on approach to grasping the principles of leadership and relationships. It offers student-athletes the opportunity to maximize their leadership potential in ways that will enhance their personal development, contribute to their team’s overall success, and develop healthy character-based leadership skills that will positively impact their lives, and the lives of others both on and off the playing field.

Captain’s Workshop
Our Captains Workshop provides a venue where captains and team leaders gain a fundamental understanding of the significance of their responsibilities.
This workshop reinforces the impact that the student-athlete can have on teammates, classmates and the community.
- Helps create a Season of Significance regardless of wins and losses.
- Enhances communication and trust between players and coaches.
- Develops greater self-confidence in the ability to be a positive influence on and off the playing surface.
Coaches Workshop
Core Trainings offers customized workshops and can provide a forum specific to the needs of schools and athletic departments and the focus for the coach.
A consultation is always necessary to find the needs so they can be met…sometimes its just getting them on all the same page with the same protocol for your athletic programs!